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Weathering Economic Storms: Roger and Chris Share Tips on the What Matters Podcast

by Gibson Capital October 25th, 2023

Roger Gibson, CFA and Founding Partner of Gibson Capital, and Chris Sidoni, CFA, CFP® Managing Partner and CIO, were recent guests on the What Matters Podcast with Mike Mirshahzadeh and Ashley Ward. Mike and Ashley showcase best-in-class RIAs, wealth managers, and investment professionals who have built leading businesses in the field of wealth management.

In this episode, Roger and Chris share valuable insights on their career experiences. Roger discusses how his pioneering work on the topic asset allocation led to the publishing of the investment classic Asset Allocation: Balancing Financial Risk, now in its fifth edition. The consultative approach outlined in the book still forms the foundation of the firm’s investment process today. Roger also discusses some significant influences on his business principles.

Tune in to hear more from Roger and Chris on their experiences in market downturns, for their views regarding the future of the investment advisory profession, and many other topics.

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