Gibson Leadership Commemorates Firm’s 35th Anniversary on Emigrant Partners’ RIA+ Podcast

by Gibson Capital January 27th, 2025

Managing Partners Christine DeMao, COO, and Chris Sidoni, CIO, recently joined Emigrant’s Mark Bruno, host of RIA+, a podcast dedicated to exploring growth, talent, and leadership in the RIA industry. Christine and Chris highlighted Gibson’s 35th anniversary, industry-leading history, and the key decisions that shaped the firm’s journey and success. While several strategic choices have contributed to the firm’s prolonged success, providing “uncommonly attentive advice” has always remained a core value, allowing advisors  to go narrow and deep on financial planning issues as a key differentiator in an increasingly competitive market. Chris and Christine share how the firm has been intentional in preserving  its favorable client-advisor ratio. “We have more time to spend with our clients to really get to know them and their issues because we’re not trying to build a firm with thousands of clients, and  we’re really focused on the clients we do have,” Chris explained.

The conversation also explored the firm’s guiding principles and mantra of “running a first-class business in a first-class way,” established by founder Roger Gibson. As Christine describes, success follows when the firm remains disciplined and intentional in its framework of having a clear purpose, maintaining high professional standards, hiring a talented team, taking a long-term view, and putting clients first.

Stream the episode to hear more, including how the pandemic transformed and ultimately improved Gibson’s client experience, how the firm has evolved over three decades, and what goals the team looks forward to next.

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